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Maroon5最新专辑Three Little Birds在哪儿试听 完整歌词是什么

时间:2023-02-06 作者:去玩玩吧

Maroon5最新专辑Three Little Birds在哪儿试听?完整歌词是什么?不少网友都还不是很清楚吧,下面小编就给大家带来aroon5最新专辑Three Little Birds试听地址及歌词介绍,快来看看吧!

Maroon 5,来自L.A.的摇滚乐队,确切一些说是新灵魂摇滚。Maroon 5融合了红色的狂野魅力,神秘热情,奔放烈爱再掺入摇滚力道,灵魂旋律及放克节奏,这样的红流泻着新灵魂乐性感风情的放克摇滚这样的红,在流行歌坛注入了一股新的颜色。

Maroon5最新专辑Three Little Birds在哪儿试听 完整歌词是什么??

继联手Cardi B发布榜首热单”Girls Like You(remix)”之后不久,Maroon 5再度带来复古夏日风情新单,翻唱Bob Marley的经典曲目“Three Little Birds”。特别的是,这一支用于现代汽车电视广告曲的新单将会在世界杯期间投放遍布世界。而单曲MV也同步上线,由为Taylor Swift执导MV ”Look What You Made Me Do“,”…Ready For It“的导演Joseph Kahn掌镜。融合美式乡村夏日风情与复古式的狂野魅力,与超时代科技感画面呈现,加上音乐上保留了Maroon 5新灵魂摇滚的精髓,“Three Little Birds”为这一届世界杯乃至整个夏日都注入了新的颜色。

专辑Three Little Birds




Maroon5最新专辑Three Little Birds在哪儿试听 完整歌词是什么

据悉,这首歌并不是马老五自创的哦,大家听听原版真的也蛮不错的。由牙买加民族英雄Bob Marley演唱,他成功地将牙买加音乐介绍给世界认识,如果说要加一个更直观的例子就好比李小龙把我们中国功夫带向了世界。

这首歌出现在了花儿与少年第三季第五期,伙伴们在海边吃饭,弹吉他那个人唱的也非常动听,大家围在一起欣赏音乐的那种感觉非常美好。威尔 史密斯在电影我是传奇中给他的爱犬洗澡时也哼唱了这首歌,以此将黑暗的世界点亮。

Maroon5最新专辑Three Little Birds在哪儿试听 完整歌词是什么

Three Little Birds - Maroon 5

Don't worry about a thing

Cause every little thing is gonna be alright

But don't worry about a thing hey

Cause every little thing is gonna be alright oh

Rise up this morning smiled with the rising sun

Three little birds by my doorstep

Singing sweet songs of melodies pure and sure

Saying this is my message to you

Singing don't worry about a thing oh oh

Cause every little thing is gonna be alright yeah yeah

But don't worry about a thing

Cause every little thing is gonna be alright yeah

Rise up this morning smiled with the rising sun

Three little birds by my doorstep oh

Singing sweet songs of melodies pure and sure

Saying this is my message to you

Singing don't worry about a thing oh

Cause every little thing is gonna be alright yeah yeah

But don't worry about a thing

Cause every little thing is gonna be alright yeah

Baby don't worry about a thing

Cause every little thing is gonna be alright yeah yeah yeah yeah

Don't worry about a thing

Cause every little thing is gonna be alright yeah

Don't worry about a thing

Cause every little thing is gonna be alright

Don't worry about a thing

Cause every little thing is gonna be alright yeah

好了,以上就是关于aroon5最新专辑Three Little Birds试听地址及歌词介绍,希望对大家有所帮助!

以上就是Maroon5最新专辑Three Little Birds在哪儿试听 完整歌词是什么的介绍,希望大家喜欢!

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